Портативная мойка

Теперь Kärcher предлагает и мобильные мойки для тех, кто предъявляет высокие требования к чистоте даже во время путешествий или отдыха на природе. Новые портативные минимойки прекрасно подходят, например, для очистки велосипедов или туристической обуви. Они компактны, легки в транспортировке и мгновенно подготавливаются к работе – где бы и когда бы они ни потребовались.

0 продукт(а/ов)

Ручная мойка среднего давления

Ручная мойка среднего давления Karcher KHB 5 Battery, оснащаемый сменными 18-вольтными аккумуляторами, является превосходным решением для быстрого выполнения самых разнообразных уборочных работ вокруг дома и на приусадебном участке - в любых местах, не позволяющих подключиться к электросети. Формируемая струя воды среднего давления бережно и тщательно очищает садовую мебель, игрушки, велосипеды и даже небольшие террасы.

> Подробнее о KHB 5 Battery

Kärcher с собой.

Везде. Всегда. Портативная мойка.

Благодаря интегрированной аккумуляторной батарее и съемному 4 литровому баку для воды портативную мойку можно использовать здесь и сейчас - любое загрязнение можно удалить сразу же. Невероятно практичная портативная минимойка: можно использовать практически для любой задачи за счет большого спектра дополнительных аксессуаров. Различные комплекты принадлежностей помогут справиться с такими задачами как мойка велосипеда после прогулки, очистка обуви после похода или можно даже помыть лапы домашнему любимцу.

Главные преимущества портативных минимоек:

  • Постоянная готовность к применению
  • Независимость от электросети и водопровода
  • Исключительная компактность
  • Бережная и эффективная мойка струей низкого давления
  • Универсальные возможности

Cleveres Aufbewahrungskonzept

Компактная конструкция

Удобное хранение пистолета и спирального шланга под съемным баком для воды. Удобство транспортировки и хранение с экономией места.

Flexibler Akkubetrieb

Встроенный литий-ионный аккумулятор

Автономное применение благодаря независимости от электросети.

Wassertank mit Füllstandanzeige

Бак для воды и индикация уровня наполненности.

4 литрового бака хватит, чтобы помыть 2 велосипеда или несколько более мелких предметов.

Effizienter Niederdruck

Эффективная и бережная мойка низким давлением

Преимуществом мойки в режиме низкого давления является тщательная очистка без риска повреждения материалов.

Комплект для путешествий

Прогулки по пересеченной местности несомненно приносят уйму радости, иногда, правда, они могут стать причиной некоторого беспорядка. Автономная минимойка станет идеальным решением. Аккумулятор и съемный бак для воды вместе с необходимым набором приспособлений отмоют грязь, пыль и песок с ботинок, рюкзаков или прочего походного инвентаря - так ваша машина останется чистой. Минимойка на аккумуляторе - идеальный компаньон для семейных выходов на природу.

>> Купить портативную минимойку Керхер OC 3 Adventure


Отзывы о портативной минимойке OC 3

Существует ли что-то, что инновационная портативная минимойка на аккумуляторе не сможет очистить? Мы хотели разобраться с этим вопросом и решили протестировать новый продукт. Более 7000 человек из 8 стран взяли участие в тестировании нового аппарата. Мы отправили 350 тестовых минимоек OC 3 и получили отзывы/идеи/предложения после тестирования. Ниже приведены некоторые из них.

Полив растений на балконе и многое другое

 Daniel / Франция - 24.03.2017 09:10

Мой отзыв и рекомендации:

• Качество и производительность
• Эффективность
• Шум устройства был совсем не раздражающим и его практически не слышно после включения
• Аппарат не тяжелый, что делает его практичным для переноски
• Очень простой в использовании
• Посмотрим, как он будет работать со временем, но похоже изготовлен из качественных материалов - создают впечатление надежности
• Я думаю, что он имеет привлекательный и крутой дизайн - дополнительное преимущество
• В зависимости от использования достаточно и 4-литрового бака для воды - его емкость может быть увеличена для модели XL для более длительного использования или, в качестве альтернативы, в соответствии с инструкциями, система может использоваться с большим отдельным резервуаром
• Размер - удобный для хранения, что, я думаю, является преимуществом для подобных устройств. Я вернусь к этому еще.

• Как я уже говорил, было бы хорошо иметь возможность к подключению 12 В
• Время заряда 3 часа для 15 мин использования – можно это улучшить?
• Ручку можно было сделать более удобной для переноски и использования – но это небольшое замечание
• Сливная пробка не закрывается должным образом, иногда трудно поставить

Это мои основные наблюдения - на сегодняшний день я действительно доволен OC3 и буду еще довольнее, когда в ближайшие выходные я смогу снова использовать невероятно практичные функции этой автономной минимойки во время активного отдыха!

Первая поездка весной и удаление зимней грязи с моего велосипеда

Andy / Великобритания - 26.03.2017 21:30

Сегодня - чудесный день и мой первый день на велосипеде после велосипедной аварии в горах. Я взял свой городкой велосипед для прогулки по окресностям. Было тепло и много дорожной пыли. Обычно, я звоню своему другу одолжить шланг, т.к. я живу в квартире с гаражом, где нет ни воды, ни электричества.

Но не сегодня! Перед поездкой я наполнил водой новую мойку, чтобы вернувшись воспользовать ею. Я начал с моющего средства, а потом использовал мойку. Это было очень легко и быстро.

Я не просто хочу этот аппарат, мне нужен этот аппарат! Мне больше не нужно одалживать шланг, чтобы помыть горный/городской/туристический велосипеды. Низкое давление не повредит им. 

Я не удержался, и помыл еще стойку для велосипеда, которая была в гараже всю зиму,  при этом воды хватило даже, чтобы помыть барбекю. На данном этапе хотелось помыть еще что-то... К сожалению, батарея разрядилась и вода закончилась...

У меня есть только одно пожелание - сделать возможность выбора струи между более интенсивынм потом и менее интенсивным. 

My Daughters Garden "Wendy House" & Pram Wheels

Iain / United Kingdom - 25.03.2017 15:00

It’s tiny, YES TINY! I had seen it in the flesh before, but perhaps had forgotten how compact the product is. Designed to be portable it will be easily store in the boot of the car/truck/van.

Any excuse to get out for a ride! After an hour of riding in the nearby muddy woods we quickly put the tester to good use. The 4L tank lasted the wash, but only just! You definitely have to get right in and up close to get the dirt & mud off, but it does work! I would have preferred another litre in the tank to get the job done.

The sun is shining and spring is upon us, so I wanted to clean up my daughters garden house which has gathered some dirt and cobwebs over the winter. I think that if I was using a normal pressure washer I would risk taking the protective paint off, so this little portable system is perfect for the job! It got rid of the cobwebs and some of the dirt without too much effort, and beat having to get a rush and/or cloth out to do the job. In under two minutes I managed to clear all the cobwebs from the areas I wanted to and its left the house looking a bit nicer for the summer!

Next was my daughters toy pram wheels which we’re clean in seconds.

Now to find something else to clean!

On with the day!

Sergei / Russia - 28.03.2017 12:09

My dog was terrified of the sound of the cleaner as soon as I tried using it to wash his paws. With some praise – and a few treats – I managed to convince my dog that there was no reason to be scared; by our third walk, washing him using the cleaner was a lot easier. As well as my dog, I have another passion – cycling. The majority of my training, road races and mountain biking takes place in pretty wet weather, so I'm constantly needing to clean my bikes. Using a high-pressure cleaner, the water gets into most of the bearings, which turns the task from cleaning the bike to completely reconditioning it. The alternative – a bucket of water and a scrubbing brush – takes forever and leaves a lot of dirt behind in hard-to-reach areas. This is why I had a lot of hope for the Kärcher To Go. And it didn't let me down! I sprayed the bike down with water, brushed it a little and rinsed it off – it was as easy as that! Cleaning a bike and its tyres took less than two tanks of water (a maximum of eight litres), which is great! You could clean at least four bikes without having to recharge the battery. Although that doesn't seem to be the limit – even after using more than 30 litres of water, the cleaner's battery still wasn't empty. I would like to note that you can fill it with warm water, which is nicer and more convenient in cold weather. I'm very happy – I've used the cleaner every day for the last three days. It's clear to me that the developers really thought through the design. It would be difficult for me to think of anything to add in further development and to find a good reason for it. My main request for further development would be to expand the range of accessories.

First impressions

Malcolm / United Kingdom- 23.03.2017 00:03

First impressions

The unpacking was straight forward and the OC3 was easy to set up and ready to use . Compact in size, worth mentioning that I love the square shape as it’s easy to stow and not at all easy to tip over when in transport. Once the spray nozzle has been removed from under the tank and the tank filled it was time to test. I thought it was a bit lacking in power to start with but the fan nozzle can concentrate the blast to remove some fairly stubborn muck.

Ok onto the testing , which was a bit hurried due to only being received 2 days ago, I took it out to work where I used it to clean the shovels from the weekends dig day and also to clean the cement mixer , both it managed with ease. The spay gun is great to use and being small and agile it gets into the mixer and is able to clean all around the blades.

We tested it head to head against a Mobi 12v pressure washer.

Mobis pros: slightly more powerful and a larger tank . Con: got tobe plugged into car, restricted range to power cord length

Kaercher pro: ready to use straight away , not restricted where to use , Cons . Small tank, needed to fill 3 times against the mobi. .

Both machines cleaned the bikes after a while which is better than using a mains powered pressure washer as these can cause damage to the suspension seals and the sealed bearings.

The testing continues but as a whole the OC3 is a neat machine so we’re. Taking it. With us to Portugal where we’re racing in Lousa to see how it copes washing the 9 bikes we have out there !

The first tests

Simon / Deutschland - 22.03.2017 09:30

The first tests

The first test on a bike. I must admit, I've not cleaned my bike in at least a year – I think that's probably clear from my photos. The mud and dirt on my bike were therefore dried and stuck to it. I had quite low expectations when I started to clean my bike, but I was surprised by how much power the small Kärcher provided. It got rid of all the dirt, defying my expectations. I didn't even need a brush. You can really see the results. I'm really pleased with what this small device can do. Especially if you're out and about with your bike, for a race or something similar, for example, it would be really practical to be able to clean the tyres straight away before heading home. Of course, the dirt comes off even more easily when it's fresh. I'd say it's an absolute must-have for any cyclist. While cleaning my bikes I also noticed that the four-litre water tank was more than enough for one bike. If you want to clean two bikes, though, a replacement tank or a six-litre tank would be practical. Which leads me to my suggestion – increasing the capacity to six litres. This would improve the cleaning performance but the device would still remain a portable size. A shoulder strap would also be handy. The hose isn't long enough to clean larger objects. If you could hang the Kärcher over your shoulders, you'd always have both hands free for working. ...

After that, it was time for our dog to meet the Kärcher. He doesn't like getting wet outdoors though, so we used the device indoors, in the shower. As my photos show, it worked well indoors, too. I noticed here that a pressure regulation option with two pressure settings would have been convenient and made things a bit easier. It would make it possible to use the pressure in a more targeted manner. A level switch on the trigger would be a possible solution. If you pressed the handle halfway down, you'd get a lower pressure than if you pressed it all the way down. I found the standard nozzle impractical for washing pets. Most of the water stream missed the dog's paws completely. The cone spray nozzle from the accessories set was a real help for this task....

The portable Kärcher cleaner is a dream for cyclists in a large city

Evgenija, Russia – 19.03.2017 19:03

Today I successfully tested the device on my bike. My poor bike was covered in residual dirt – some even from last year's cycling season – and all the new dirt it had collected during use on the streets which have been thawing in springtime. Soil in the tyre treads, dried dirt on the frame and pinion – you'd have your hands full trying to clean it all yourself.
First and foremost, I want to say that this cleaner is perfect for people living in multi-family houses in large cities! Until recently, I could only dream of being able to clean my bike: My bathtub isn't big enough, running a hose all the way from the ninth floor to the street is impossible, and as for trying to clean all the parts by pouring water out of a bottle and wiping them using a wet cloth – the results wouldn't be worth the hassle.

Other impressions.


  1. Battery life. I fully expected to be complaining about the advertised 15-minute battery life. To my surprise, the battery – which wasn't even fully charged – lasted long enough for the entire cleaning process, without running out.
  2. Water tank volume. Another pleasant surprise for me – the four-litre tank was enough to carefully clean my faithful friend, even including time spent taking a few videos.
  3. Flat jet nozzle for cleaning bikes. This attachment definitely ensures that the cleaner covers a wide area and means that you save a lot of water. This is probably why the four-litre tank was enough for me.
  4. Hose length. The hose is extendable, which means that it's easily long enough to move around and clean a bike from all angles, without having to move the cleaner around as well.
  5. Size of the cleaner for bikes. The size and shape of the cleaner mean that it can be transported on the rack of your bike. Sadly, I don't have a rack on my bike. But if I had one, it would be an excellent solution for bringing the cleaner along on longer trips.


  1. The cleaner wasn't quite able to get rid of dirt and oil residue in hard-to-reach places – the pressure and the accuracy of the water stream direction weren't good enough.
  2. Dirty floors. Placing the cleaner down on soil or asphalt isn't ideal. On the other hand, hoisting the strap over your shoulders, as multiple participants have suggested here, is uncomfortable as the cleaner's weight means that it would constantly slip off. One option would be to design the strap like the straps on a rucksack or to provide a removable base for the cleaner which you could take off and clean.


  1. In order to be able to clean all the parts of a bike, it definitely needs more suitable attachments which you can use to control the pressure and direction of the water stream. There are already specific ideas for developing these accessories, but I'll go into more detail on those in my next points.
  2. Strap or base – see above under "Drawbacks".
  3. A compartment for detergent. It would be ideal to have a compartment for detergent and a switching button. The button could be pressed to switch between one position which provides normal water and another position in which the water flows through the compartment containing detergent and therefore comes out of the hose as a cleaning solution.

The cleaner is ideal for quickly cleaning bikes with an average level of dirt. I worry that it would not be possible to completely clean a dirty bike after cycling in bad weather without using any special attachments.

I used the rest of the water to clean my hiking boots. The cleaner managed this task in just a few seconds – it was easy and gentle and I discovered a new way to use the cleaner.

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