
Tekstilrenser SE 3 Compact Home

Den kraftige og energieffektive tepperenseren imponerer med dyprengjøring av tekstiloverflater som møbeltrekk, samt kompakt design og selvrensingssystem som holder enheten ren.

SE 3 Compact Home

Feature & Benefits

Velprøvd Kärcher-teknologi for optimale rengjøringsresultater

Velprøvd Kärcher-teknologi for optimale rengjøringsresultater

Rengjøring dypt inn i fibrene på tekstiloverflater. Lav restfuktighet for rask tørking av tekstiloverflater. Effortless and fast cleaning due to efficient spray extraction cleaning method in combination with a powerful yet energy-efficient motor.
Specially developed accessories for easy fibre-deep cleaning

Specially developed accessories for easy fibre-deep cleaning

The upholstery spray extraction nozzle can be used to clean ingrained dirt quickly and easily, while the spray extraction crevice nozzle makes light work of cleaning particularly hard to reach areas. Integrert sprøyteslange for enda mer praktisk rengjøring. Lang, svært fleksibel sugeslange for enda enklere rengjøring.
Hygienic flush function

Hygienic flush function

After cleaning, the device is cleaned using the flush function. This removes any residual dirt and avoids unpleasant odours from the build-up of bacteria. Enables immediate storage of the clean device.
  • Flexible, also in narrow areas or areas that are difficult to access.
  • With practical handle for fast and convenient transport of the device.
  • Plassbesparende oppbevaring.
  • Simple filling of the fresh water tank.
  • Praktisk fjerning og tømming av tanken uten at du trenger å komme i kontakt med smusset.
  • Integrert sprøyteslange for enda mer praktisk rengjøring.
  • Lang, svært fleksibel sugeslange for enda enklere rengjøring.
  • With swivel joint on hose for even greater freedom of movement.
  • Easily transported with just one hand – all enclosed accessories and the hose can be directly stowed on the device.
  • All accessories are always attached to the device, so you can rely on them being there at the point of use.
  • Practical for temporary storage during cleaning.
  • Perfect for sponges, cloths and other small parts.
  • Switching the device on and off is easy.
  • Intuitive operation.
  • Ready to clean straight away.

Teknisk data

Nominell inngangseffekt (W) 500
Arbeidsradius (m) 5,8
Rentvannstank (l) 1,7
Skittenvannstank (l) 2,9
Strømforsyning (Fase/~/V/Hz) 1 / 220 - 240 / 50 - 60
Strømledning (m) 3,6
Farge Hvit
Vekt uten tilbehør (kg) 4,3
Vekt inkl. emballasje (kg) 6
Mål (L x B x H) (mm) 450 x 225 x 260

Scope of supply


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