The Malls, The Restaurants, The Lounges and The Hotels

Cleaning that lures your customers and acts as the magnet for them to stick!


A regular day at your Mall or your Restaurant that involves detailed cleaning can feel like a tedious chore that your professional cleaner has to accomplish, as soon as possible in the morning till the people come and set in and till the time you can offer them a clean and amazing ambiance to set in. The cleaning, well, that includes a range of tasks to be completed, every bit of dust, dirt, germs, viruses and bacteria needs to get removed in order to maintain the perfect hygiene you vouch for, and this may mean a range of chemicals, bleach and detergents that are used with ordinary cleaners and water to complete the task. You know every morning that the customers will come very soon and set in and ask for the perfect clean ambiance, and that makes cleaning a very troublesome task in the morning filled with a lot of pressure. We get you, in that, and we’d love to solve this whole stressed morning cleaning task for you, we cannot remove a detailed cleaning from your daily chore of course but we can definitely change the way you approach that cleaning in the morning for sure!


Now, Imagine, there is this morning when you don’t have to mix chemicals, use any detergents, water and different types of cleaners to clean the whole space, sounds good? That would ease the whole burden for you, wouldn’t it? We know this very well, and hence we’d rather introduce you to the range of Steam Cleaners that we have, yes it is the very steam that can make the professional cleaning feel like a very easy-going smooth job! Steam has the potential to kill 99.99% bacteria, viruses and germs when used with the right pressure, as the high temperature and right pressure can eliminate germs, bacteria and viruses without chemicals that makes your customers rely on you, and stick with you for the ambiance you provide.

Karcher Steam Cleaners are engineered to perform exactly the right cleaning for you, is an unconventionally smart cleaning equipment and can be your friend plus support for any tedious cleaning task that comes your way!

The Malls, The Restaurants, The Lounges and The Hotels