
Media information

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Press Releases

Terms & Conditions Of Use: The Kärcher press section offers users the opportunity to obtain information about the company and its products. The information and material available here is exclusively destined for your own personal information or, in the case of journalists, bloggers or employees of media companies, as a source for their own editorial reporting. All texts, images, graphics, sound, video and animation files, as well as their arrangements are subject to copyright and other legislation to protect intellectual property. The materials may be used within the context of editorial reporting free of charge. This includes, in particular, print, radio and TV reporting as well as blog or social media contributions in text, image or video form. Using the material for advertising or trading purposes and for defamatory purposes is prohibited. Forwarding and distorting the material is not allowed any more than the use of material on channels that are not used for editorial reporting. If it is not clear whether the use is for press purposes, the Kärcher press office is to be contacted in order to reach a decision. News agencies and freelance editors may forward the text, image and video material for press or publishing purposes. The published contact details of the respectively responsible press officer are meant exclusively for research and enquiries in the context of editorial reporting.