Know-how for Professionals

From agriculture to industry to building service contractors – as regards cleaning, each sector requires its own methods, machines and tools. Here you get tips and examples that will help you solve your individual cleaning task.

How Schools and Daycare Centres Can Ensure Hygiene

Not only in times of a pandemic, but daycare centres and often also schools are generally considered places which give rise to the spread of pathogens. The spread of viruses and bacteria can be tackled effectively when an appropriate hygiene concept is developed for the respective facility.

Effective Cleaning for Hotels

As cleanliness, hygiene and health are increasingly important, effective cleaning processes are more relevant than ever in the hotel industry. They are the only way to ensure that hotels create a pleasant, reassuring atmosphere that guests will equate with safety.

Cleanliness and Hygiene in the Supermarket

Many people in a restricted space and the sale of food under perfectly hygienic conditions: cleaning in the supermarket is important in every respect and should be carried out conscientiously.

Eliminating chlorpropham from potato stores

Use of the potato germination inhibitor chlorpropham (CIPC) is no longer authorised throughout Europe, the period in which use of existing stocks is permitted will end on 8 October 2020. In order to comply with the limit values, all critical areas should be thoroughly cleaned at regular intervals.

Weed removal with a Kärcher hot water high-pressure cleaner

Weed removal with hot water

Dealing with weed in an effective manner is a constant challenge in municipalities and agriculture. With hot water, dandelions, thistles and more can be removed without using herbicides. A gentle method without harming the environment or surfaces.

Avian flu prevention: Woman cleans a stable with a Kärcher hot water high-pressure cleaner

Avian flu: hygiene protects

The avian influenza caused by the influenza virus is highly contagious and means high economic losses for poultry farmers in the event of an outbreak in their own livestock. However, the disease can be prevented with strict bio-security and meticulous cleaning.

Service station with shopping area and wash hall

Service station cleaning: Cleanliness from the shop floor to the wash hall

Service stations require cleaning on many fronts. However, anyone who invests in the proper technology finishes the required activities quickly. All that is needed then is a deep cleaning at regular intervals. But those who always keep their equipment and premises clean have significantly less to do.

Cleaning a canteen with a battery-powered vacuum cleaner of Kärcher

Work more economically with battery-powered vacuum cleaners

Cleaning services should be provided as quickly, quietly and effectively as possible. Simple, ergonomic handling of devices is another important topic in order to avoid sick leave. How battery-powered vacuum cleaners can help here – an overview including cost-benefit calculation.

Effective facades cleaning

Effective facades cleaning – from plaster to metal

If the exterior of a building is maintained this helps retain or increase its value. Various methods are available to clear dirt from facades. But the surface should be taken into consideration when applying the respective technology. This is essential for avoiding damage. An overview about techniques and regulations.

Cleaning in the commercial kitchen

Commercial kitchens: Cleanliness and hygiene for tiles, walls and machines

In commercial kitchens stubborn stains must be systematically removed, in order to eliminate the breeding grounds for viruses and bacteria. With the right equipment, cleaning and disinfection can be done thoroughly and efficiently.

PDIR cleaning process

PDIR: Four essential cleaning functions

Efficient and regular cleaning is of vital importance for the hotel industry. The PDIR care cycle ensures a clean appearance for the entire building and reduces time, personnel and material costs required for daily maintenance.

Garden maintenance in a park

Maintenance of green and outdoor areas

In spring, a mammoth job lies ahead for municipalities: Lawn areas in parks need to be trimmed, weeds removed effectively and paths and parking spaces must be cleared of shrubs, dust and dirt. With expertise and the appropriate equipment it is possible to master the various tasks.

Truck wash

Cleaning commercial vehicles cost-effectively

The demands on washing quality and speed in the cleaning of commercial vehicles are high. The size and design of the vehicles, however, not only require a special technology for the wash – the washing chemicals must also be right in order to clean trucks, buses, etc. cost-effectively.

Controlling oak processionary moths with safety vacuum cleaners

Controlling oak processionary moths in an environmentally friendly manner

For some years now, the oak processionary moth has been on the rise. Where people live, it can become a health risk due to its poisonous stinging hairs. The right approach to tackling the insect is therefore decisive.

African swine fever prevention

African swine fever: Prevention through cleaning

Meanwhile, the African swine fever has reached central Europe. The possibility of the disease being introduced into other central European countries can no longer be excluded. Proper cleaning on the farm allows farmers to make an important contribution to protecting their livestock.

Industrial floor cleaning with scrubber drier

Professional cleaning of industrial floors

Industrial floors require particular care and attention – both during manufacture and in terms of their coating, cleaning and maintenance. Which cleaning method to use depends largely on the texture of the floor.

Hans-Peter Porsche TraumWerk model railway and toy museum

World of experience with a dreamlike setting

In the Hans-Peter Porsche TraumWerk model railway and toy museum an entire armada of professional cleaning machines, which are in daily use, make sure all exhibits are clean and highly polished.

Cleaning concept for AIDA

No fear of big beasts

AIDA Cruises is Germany's leading provider of sea cruises. As part of a long-term partnership with Kärcher, a detailed and well-thought-out cleaning concept has been developed to take care of everything.

Historical scrubber drier

The success story of the scrubber machine

The start of floor-cleaning by machines dates back more than 100 years. The first floor polisher was developed at the start of the 20th Century to take the monotony out of tedious work.