International Kärcher study on cleaning habits

What is the most common cleaning excuse in the world? As part of the Kärcher Cleaning Study 2024, the cleaning habits of people around the world were once again scrutinised. The result: there is a global consensus on one excuse for putting off cleaning. We surveyed over 10,000 people from ten countries about the obstacles and habits they face when cleaning and analysed the influence of social media as well as personal attitudes and motivation towards cleaning their homes.


Kärcher Cleaning Study 2024
Kärcher cleaning study 2024: cleaning excuses

Pick your procrastination: untidiness and a lack of cleaning devices

Nobody would object to a neat and tidy home. But what is actually stopping people from cleaning regularly? According to 77% of all respondents in the international Kärcher Consumer Study 2024, tiredness caused by the hectic pace of day-to-day life is the most common reason. There is a global consensus on this.

While exhaustion from everyday life and the associated lack of motivation was the most common reason for not cleaning among all respondents, the second most common excuse given by the international respondents was untidiness, with lots of things to be put away before they could clean (53%). This is a particularly popular excuse in Japan (68%).

More than a third of all respondents (36%) also stated that they did not have any suitable cleaning devices at home to make cleaning easier. This reason came third on the list. This excuse also came up particularly frequently in Poland (42%).

For a third of respondents (33%), it is legitimate to clean objects and surfaces that they cannot get 100 per cent clean later or not at all.



Mums are the ultimate cleaning role models, with social media gaining momentum

The results of the study show that cleaning without suitable tips, methods and devices can lead to frustration and procrastination at home. For many, role models serve as inspiration and help them to get on top of their cleaning tasks.

Kärcher cleaning study 2024: cleaning expertise

Strong role model: for many, today's cleaning knowledge still comes from mum

In Germany, 84% learned their cleaning skills from their mother, but this trend is decreasing among younger people (73% of those aged 18-34). Internationally, mothers are also leading the race when it comes to teaching cleaning skills (77%).

A good two thirds of Japanese people get their cleaning tips from television (66%), while only 57% turn to their mum for cleaning advice.


Kärcher cleaning study 2024: online cleaning tips

Always online: It's not just Gen Z that is increasingly getting its cleaning expertise from the internet

Worldwide, YouTube is the place to go for all age groups (29%), but especially for 18 to 24-year-olds (40%) and 25 to 34-year-olds (41%). In Japan, almost half of respondents (45%) use YouTube as their source of information. 

Household tips from the TikTok platform are primarily used by participants under the age of 24 (44%).

Kärcher Know how

Kärcher cleaning and care tips

Cleaning the kitchen, cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the living area - it's not just during spring cleaning that you have a lot to do around the house. Because over time, a lot of dirt gets into your own four walls: stains on the floor, upholstery and carpets. Pollen, dust and marks on the windows. Leftover food and grease in the kitchen. Limescale and soap residue in the bathroom. But with a few tricks, the right cleaning tools, cleaning agents and household products, stains can be removed quickly and your home will be hygienically clean again.

More about Kärcher cleaning tips.

Cleaning priorities: there is a clear hygiene world champion

With the right motivation, even unpleasant cleaning tasks can be mastered in no time at all.
The top reasons for cleaning worldwide are:

  • Need for hygiene (75%)
  • Relaxation effect after cleaning (58%)
  • Visiting friends or family (49%)

In Poland, hygiene is the top priority (87%)
. According to the survey, they emerged as the world hygiene champions, coming first in the country ranking ahead of Japan (84%) and the Netherlands (83%).

Only 8% of respondents take part in cleaning challenges to motivate themselves to clean. 29 % of the Japanese love it.

Kärcher cleaning study 2024: Why do you clean?

Toilets are part of the routine, carpet stains and windows are a challenge

Kärcher cleaning study: Cleaning challenges

Bathroom oasis of well-being

According to the survey, 72% of respondents regularly clean the shower, 84% the drain and 88% the toilet.

However, the biggest challenge in the household for respondents was removing stains from carpets or textile surfaces (78%) and streak-free windows (76%).

Kärcher cleaning study 2024: Cleaning challenges

Dirty secrets

Respondents around the world are particularly inattentive when it comes to looking after their household appliances. As many as 30% stated that they rarely or never clean the freezer compartment in their fridge. 22% do not consider their dishwasher in their cleaning regime. In the UK, the figure is as high as 32%.

About the survey

The data used is based on online surveys carried out by Dynata between June and July 2024, in which a total of 10,025 people aged 18 to 65 took part. The survey was nationally representative – with quotas for gender, age and region. The survey was conducted with at least 1,000 respondents per country in Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, France, Belgium, the UK, Poland, Japan, Australia and the USA.